Zen Chinese Restaurant 中华餐厅提供多种烧烤菜品,所有都使用新鲜的原料与调味料的完美结合由于有名自新加坡的厨师做到。
Zen Chinese Restaurant 受欢迎的菜肴包括:脆皮烤腩肉, 脆皮烤鸡, 烤鸭和蜜汁叉烧。
好吃的菜,便宜的价格,请提前1-2小时 联系 Zen Chinese Restaurant 订购以获得最好的服务。
时间发生:从 2023年6月19号 直到通报结束。
The Best of Chinese Cuisine in Your Home
Are you seeking excellent home-cooked meals to share with your family? Zen Chinese Restaurant serves a broad variety of BBQ dishes, all of which are prepared with the freshest ingredients and cooked to perfection of the chef from Singapore.
Our most popular meals include roasted crispy pork-belly, roasted crispy chicken, a whole roasted duck, and BBQ honey-glazed pork.
Eat better at a cheaper price. Please order the dish at least one hour in advance.
Time: 19/06-2023 – until the end is announced.